Jumat, 23 Maret 2012

CHEAT COIN City Ville Terbaru

Alat : Cheat Engine 
Mozilla Firefox 3.6.13 

1. Buka City Ville
2. Setelah masuk City Ville buka tempat kereta api 
3. Lalu pilih ==> Beli dari Chungin dustin
4. Klik Proses ==> Pilih Plugin Container
5. Scan type Exact Value ==> Value type 4 bytes
6. Baru scan 86400 di kotak hex
7. Nanti muncul banyak adress 
8. Cari kode adress yang ujungnya xxxxxDE4 atau xxxxxE4
9. Lalu ubah Value nya menjadi 300
10. Lihat hasilnya waktu satu hari bisa menjadi 5 menit
11. Lalu kalian copy code pada kolom adress ( 071b4de4 )
12. Setelah itu rubah code 071b4de4 menjadi 071b4000
13. Dan rubah 071b4de4 ===> 071b4fff
14. Pada kolom Value san angka 65 
15. Lalu rubah menjadi 1000000 ( minimal satu juta )
16. Kirim kereta yang ada pada sebelah kiri 
17. Lalu belikan uang itu pada Franchise tetangga mu
18. Semakin mahal Franchise semakin banyak coin yang kamu dapat kan
19. Reload City Ville anda
20. Lalu kunjungi Franchise yang kamu pasang di kota tetanggamu
21. Lalu kamu cancel ... maka otomatis uang kamu tanam akan kembali ke kamu. 

Cheat Magatama Sesuai Dengan Kalian Mau


- Mozilla Bisa Juga Goggle Chrome


Masuk Ke NS Lalu Ke Hunting House Buka Charles
Klik Attack boznya
Brekpoint Charles Nya Di app.ninjasaga.com
Saya Saranin Ini Pke 1 Hit Supaya Cepat Mati Bosnya
Setelah Mati keluar Tab Di Charles Yg ke 1 Execute Aja
Yg Ke 2 Execute Juga , Yg Ke 3 Execute Juga
Nah Yg Ke 4 Buka Ke Edit Response Terus AMF
Nah Di Situ Ada
XP , Gold , Magatama , Dan Reward Xp
Yg Di ganti Yg Magatma Nya AJa
Kalo mau Kuning Yah Ganti Jadi 5
Dah Selesai Execute Aja Terakhir Kali
Dan Anda Dapet magatama LV 5

NB : Bisa Ganti Ganti Juga Semau Anda Yg Lain Nya Jangan Di Ganti Hanya untuk Magatama 

Cheat Ninja Saga Magatama Generator Hack

Cheat Ninja Saga Magatama Generator Hack

Cheat Ninja Saga Magatama Generator Hack  Cheat ninja saga this time named Cheat Ninja Saga Magatama Generator Hack   ,cheat ninja saga collection, use the cheat ninja saga is as good as possible do not be too high incidence of later addiction ,Cheat Ninja Saga Magatama Generator Hack  is great, with this Cheat Ninja Saga Magatama Generator Hack  we will be a god, just try to Cheat Ninja Saga Magatama Generator Hack  .
ninja saga is one of the popular games on facebook, and also like a ninja games naruto games, his technique is similar to naruto.
its cool game anyway.
This ninja saga facebook game ... ok immediately wrote to the tutor Cheat Ninja Saga Magatama Generator Hack  cekidott!.
see also :
Cheat Ninja Saga Terbaru 2011

Cheat Ninja Saga Magatama Generator Hack


Cheat Token Ninja Saga

Peralatan :
Caranya :
  1. Download dulu fiddler
  2. Kemudian Install Fiddler
  3. Baru jalankan Fiddler
  4. Klik Tab AutoResponder (yg icon-nya petir hijau)
  5. Centang kotak "Enable automatic responses" dan juga "Permit passthrough for unmatched request"
  6. Jatuhkan .SWF File yang kamu download tadi ke kolom AutoResponder
  7. Masuk ke Ninja Saga
  8. Setelah itu bersihkan chace
  9. Baru pilih karakter yang akan kamu mainkan

Cheat Ninja Saga NS .Terbaru Maret Ice Village Elite Set Clothes + Hairstyle 2012

Cheat Ninja Saga NS .Terbaru Maret Ice Village Elite Set Clothes + Hairstyle 2012

Cheat Ninja Saga Ice Village Elite Set Clothes + senjatanya (NOT PERMANEN) + Hairstyle 2012 (Permanen), sudah kangen kah anda para pemain NS ? kalau gitu saya akan berikan cheat ninja saga kesayangan anda.

Jika sudah persiapkan dulu alat alatnya :

Tools :
§  Fiddler
§  Swf file [Download]

Clear Chace:

-Untuk Mozilla Firefox : Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Pilih Network Tab -> Clear Now -> Klik OK .
-Untuk Google Chrome : Pilih icon yang berada di pojok kanan atas (sebelah bintang) -> Options -> Under the Hood -> Clear Browsing Data -> Empty the cache -> Clear Browsing Data

Requirement :
-Newbie Costume Male


2. di fiddler pergi ke tab auto responder
3. centang enable automatic responses dan unmatched requests passthrough
4. drag swfnya ke box auto responder
5. sebelum pergi ke NS pastikan clear cache
6. masuk NS
7. Equip yg sudah di Requirement
8. ke style shop (pilih Rambut yg kamu suka ) 

Info Penting :
- Untuk Emblem User : ( Free )
- Untuk Free User : ( Pay 200 Tokens )

Credit : MrzerilzN3 
Selamat mencoba Cheat Ninja Saga Terbaru Maret Ice Village Elite Set Clothes + Hairstyle 2012



Pilih MOZILA untuk mengaktifkan cheat nya
Login FB dan masuk ke profil Ninja Saga
Tulis token ns kamu di cheat engine
First scan
Akan Muncul 2 adress dan doble klick semuanya
Ganti nilainya jadi 334633473340 lalu klick Ok
Next Scan
Masuk ke Kage room lawan yang memiliki level 1 lalu langsung keluar
Lihat token anda sekarang, jika berhasil akan berjumlah 3333333

Read more: http://kabarterbaru.com/cheat-ninja-saga-cheat-token-ninja-saga.html#ixzz1pvfUnA3y

Cheat Ninja Saga Terbaru

Cheat Ninja Saga Terbaru 

 Kali ini Blog Info Terkini akan memberikan Cheat Ninja Saga bagi kalian para penggemar games facebook Ninja Saga. bagi yang belum tahu apa itu ninja saga saya akan memberikan sedikit pengertian, ya Ninja Saga sendiri adalah salah satu games yang cukup terkenal dan bisa kalian mainkan melalui social network terbesar di dunia yaitu facebook.

Cheat Ninja Saga

ada beberapa macam Cheat yang bisa kalian gunakan dalam bermain Ninja Saga diantaranya ada Cheat Ninja Saga Gold, Cheat Ninja Saga Emblem, Cheat Ninja Saga Critical Strike dan Dodge, Cheat Ninja Saga Token, Cheat Ninja Saga 1 hit dan masih banyak yang lain.

banyak dari pemain games ini menggunakan cheat seperti halnya games games lain.dan dalam artikel ini saya bermaksud untuk memberikan beberapa Cheat untuk bermain Games Ninja saga agar kalian bisa segera menamatkan permainan ini dan bisa semakin jago main Ninja saga dengan MenggunakanCheat Ninja Saga

Oh ya sebelum kalian memakai Cheat ini ada beberapa hal yang perlu di siapkan diantaranya Cheat Engine Versi Terbaru,dan Browser. jika kalian sudah menyiapkan Cheat engine Versi terbaru dan tentunya browser maka silahkan simak Cheat Ninja Saga dibawah ini.

Cheat Ninja Saga

Cheat Ninja Saga Emblem

1. harus punya token
2. scan token kamu sekarang (misal100) scan 100
3. kluar banyak addres tuh klik next scan 5 kali
4. masuk ke headquarter
5. convert token mu 1saja
6. scan lagi token mu yg sekarang (tadi tokenx kan 100 di convert 1 tinggal 99 ) scan 99
7. setelah itu ada muncul addres 1 klik addres tersebut tambah di addres belakanya +4 contoh(xxxxx6d+4)
8. kamu jadi premium deh
NB:jangan membeli senjata embelm karna senjatax tdk didpt di pakai jika mau beli jurus baju itu bisa di pakai jika anda membeli jurus sisakan satu slot jutsu

Cheat Ninja Saga Token

- pilih MOZILA UNTUK aktivin cheat nya
- trus masuk ke profil ns kamu
- tulis token ns kamu DI cheat ENGINE
- double kilck ke-2 nya
- TRUS ganti valuenya JADI 334633473340
- LALU NEXt sccan

Cheat Ninja Saga 1 Hit Kill

* Masuk NS
* Masuk hunting boss dan attack bos yang diinginkan
* Setelah masuk,biarkan si boss menyerang kita dulu(kita dodge aja)
* Buka CE terus pilih 8 bytes
* Masukkan jumlah darah si boss
berikut data darah:
* Ginkotsu:7293
* Yanki:12760
* Sesho:27950
* Tengu fire:15819
* Tengu wind: 12052
* Byakko:75816
* Ape king:90720
* Turtle:132800
Tutor :
* First scan,cari yang addres sama dengan value yang dimasukkan tadi trz disebelahnya double klik
* Lalu coba attack si boss
* Langsung ganti value si boss dgn 0
* Attack si boss dan mati dech

Cheat Ninja Saga Level Up

1. Buka kembali Cheat Engine (CE) lalu “Value Type” nya ganti menjadi “Array Of Bytes”, Lalu Centang “Also Scan Read-Only Memory”
2. Centang Hex dan Isi dengan “62 04 D3 24 64 A3 A2?, Lalu Klik First Scan
3. Setelah Muncul 2 Adress di bagian Kiri, Double Klik satu per satu adress nya,
di bagian bawah ada 2 daftar setelah di double klik satu per satu adress nya
4. Setelah itu Klik kanan di salah satu dari 2 daftar/baris, lalu ke Change Record, lalu klik Value,
pasti agan menemukan “62 04 D3 24 64 A3 A2?,
Delete Adress yang ada di atas lalu ganti dengan “62 04 D3 24 64 A2 A2?
5. masukan duitmu di kotak value,klik new scan!
6. kemudian cari addres yang belakangnya 78(misalnya xxxxx78 x itu angka berapa aja)
7. KILIK2X ganti addres (78) yang tadi dengan AC(kalo belakangnya xxxxx68 belakangnya diganti 9C)
8. di value terlihat levelmu, ganti dengan angka 60(lavel maximal)
9. centang kotak di samping tulisan “no description”
10. recruit temenmu yg level 60
11. lawan boss apa aja
12. pasti damagenya 100000
(bisa udah ada buktinya aku yg semula level 1 dalam sehari langsung lvel 26)

Cheat Ninja Saga Gold

1. buka cheat engine 5.6.1
2. ganti value type menjadi 4 bytes
3. masukan uang/gold kamu lalu tekan first scan
4. nanti ada address klik 2x sampai ada di bawah
5. ganti value (misalnya 1.000.000) lalu ke kage room
6. lalu keluar gold kamu menjadi 1.000.000

ya itulah Cheat Ninja Saga yang bisa saya berikan disini, dan jika nanti saya mendapat Cheat Ninja saga yang lain saya akan mengupdatenya di blog ini. ok semoga bermanfaat.

Kamis, 22 Maret 2012

cheat monster galaxy

Monster Galaxy Cheats Monster Galaxy Cheats

Steps :
1] Download Monster Galaxy Cheats
2] Choose which options you want enabled
3] INJECT! It's that easy!
Monster Galaxy cheats works on all

The question often comes by me, what is
monster galaxy cheats? The thing about Monster Galaxy is that it is a time-consuming facebook platform game that requires a constant internet connection and access to the computer! Do you remember the days of Pokemon, which is a pretty comparable game to Monster Galaxy already, almost an exact match. But the thing is those days when you’d cuddle up on your bed with your gameboy under your blankets, you’d play endlessly and probably be tired as heck for school the next day. You can’t do this with Monster Galaxy, which is why we’ll need to useMonster Galaxy Cheats in order to make the process quicker.
The thing about
is that it is not a client side game. With Pokemon, there were things like missingno, etc, infinite duplication bug, but that isn’t the case with Monster Galaxy, the game data is stored on the servers of the company while they only feed you enough data [also known as clientside] for the game to be played. In this case, it becomes a lot more challenging to alter what data is sent back and forth. How Monster Galaxy Cheats works will be a little bit complicated but if you are wanting to look up how it works, I recommend looking up things on wikipedia such as XSS injection, SQL injection, that is the basis on how monster galaxy cheats will work.
Monster Galaxy Cheats
is going to revolutionize how the game is played. For starters,  mogas will be captured 100% of the time kind of like the master ball in pokemon. There will be a no damage mod as well so you can cruise the beginning levels. I’m contemplating adding a one hit win option as well for Monster Galaxy Cheats, what do you guys think? Basically I just want those people who do not have as much time to do what they wish with this. It’s just a proof of concept and the source will be available for those CS majors who want to learn how to start SQL modification programming.
monster galaxy cheats

If you’re interested in Monster Galaxy Cheats then stay tuned, our RSS feed is available on the top right and we will be able to add requests into the program. Keep in mind this is not the same as Monster Galaxy Glitches or Monster Galaxy Hacks. Keep checking this website to get Monster Galaxy Cheats!

Monster Galaxy Cheats

Sabtu, 17 Maret 2012

Battle Realms


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link directly to this cheatcreate or/and edit an AI

You can now create and edit an AI of yourselfand it works even at the expansion set

For creating an AI:
1. Open notepad
2. Go to the Battle Realms file at the Local disk c or some where you put it
3. Open AI Profiles
4. Double click any file in there
5. Copy and Paste the items to your recently opened notepad (do not include the numbers and the name)
6. Fill it the way you want it! (name it, rate the agresiveness, healer usage etc.)
7. Save it at the AI Profiles

For Editing an AI Do steps number 2 and 3 and pick any file you want to edit and do steps number 4 to 7
Verified by: kennethhrevansha77Submitted by: Master_Warlockkiller on April 22, 2008

link directly to this cheatHAHA.... EASY UNTAMED HORSE ATTACK

Use a peasant with another warrior and click at the horse.
Not only the peasant tames the horse, the warrior attacks.
Verified by: cadywhunnasa078Submitted by: lokomotive26 on September 05, 2008

link directly to this cheatINCREASE YANG FSTER OR SLOWER - DRAGON

Use kabuki warriors and train him at the fireworks factory.
More kabukis more yang.
Even you can also use samurai with yang blade to attack the enemies so
more yang for the dragon.
Verified by: angah1962arezimSubmitted by: lokomotive26 on September 05, 2008

link directly to this cheatInfinite Lotus Consuming Trick

First, train a Second Tier unit, at least 20 units then command them to eat one peasant. After that, click immediately 'The Peasant' and let it enter the watchtower. The Second Tier unit will probably eat the base of the watchtower. If you click all of the Second Tier unit that ate the watchtower, they will have Battle Gears without killing the peasant.
Verified by: maginificant321arezimSubmitted by: Sogetsu469 on April 19, 2006

link directly to this cheatMORE NINJAS - SREPENT

Use Ronin's Blood Bond at the ninja and enter the ninja to the tower.(no fan geishas nearby)
Let the ronin kill himself. Meanwhile, click the ninja until the ronin dies.
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: lokomotive26 on September 05, 2008


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link directly to this cheatdestroying the building w/out using unit attack

first click on any unit then try to find the base of the enemy after you find the base leftclick on the opponent's building then press ctrl+d contineusly.
Verified by: pHieFahmy83Submitted by: ome on February 03, 2002

link directly to this cheatearn yin fast

If you are using the serpent clan make a Ronin and upgrade it with yin blade. Then try to cut a tree by pressing (F) then while cutting the tree use your yin blade by preesing the (B) button that's all.
Verified by: jeffchan_32deffSubmitted by: erick on January 26, 2002

link directly to this cheatFast Yin Generation For Lotus Clan

Note: cheat is unverfied and was reported to not work, so it may or may not work for you.

1. Summon either Lythis or Tausil, but not Seth.
2. Command the brother(s) to force attack(hotkey f) any particular stream of water/pond.
3. You know you are doing it right when the brother(s) attack the water and start to rack up Yin points...
4. Keep on trying to make them attack the water if you fail on first attempt.
5. This doesn't work on Seth(mentioned above)
6. If you are pissed off that they still can't attack the water, there's another cheat for you fellow gamers.
1. Summon any brother(s).
2. Command them to attack the trees.
3. Watch them rack up immense Yin points.
4. Just don't let them go to far, they may be ambushed by the enemy...
Note: These two tricks work well with the unlimited brothers trick...
Verified by: pHieSubmitted by: Kabuki Warrior on October 23, 2004

link directly to this cheatHow to Summon Kenji in Skirmish Mode?

First, make sure that your population is 39/40.
Second, build a keep while the last peasant is generating from the Peasant Hut.
Third and last, make sure that when the last peasant comes out from the peasant house, the keep is already built.
Note: the peasant should come out at the same time with the keep done in building.
Verified by: maginificant321unheardSubmitted by: BeNjIeL on September 11, 2007

link directly to this cheatInvisible + Multiple horses

Have a peasant construct stables and let it catch just one horse. After the peasant returns the horse back to the stables, get it back again to be used as a pack horse but don't go away from the stables.

Get a warrior close to the stables then have the peasant return the horse to the stables. Just before the horse disappears, click on the warrior then right click on the vanishing horse. You must do this quickly for it to work. If not, your warrior will get the horse from the stables.

If you do this correctly, you will see that the warrior is not standing on its 2 feet but instead, it is floating.
Verified by: kennethhgheeSubmitted by: anonymous on August 30, 2003

link directly to this cheatmore ninja lotus only

1.make 3 warlocks and a brother tausil
2.give the 3 warlocks a power of tausil
3.summoned a 1 ninja,put it beside the watchtower
4.the 3 warlocks must be away from the ninja
5.the 3 warlocks must be ctrl 1
6.give the ninja the power of warlocks by pressing 1 then f1,click the ninja ,f2,click the ninja,f3,click the ninja, then must hurry send the ninja into the watchtower.
6.then click the keep you will see the ninja ,click 4 ninja.
7.do it again and again.
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: raff louie on March 26, 2004

link directly to this cheatMultiple crypt brothers

1. play lotus
2. create crypt tomb
3. summon all crypt brothers (must have enough yin first)
4. build three towers
5. enter each crypt borther to a tower and leave it there
6. destroy crypt tomb
7. release crypt brothers
8. do number 2 again

"you'll see that the crypt brothers are not destroyed because the tower protected them"
Verified by: pHieaaron4675Submitted by: KASHMUT on May 28, 2002

link directly to this cheatTwo Necromancers(Serpent)

1st, after you create a Necro(short for Necromancer) have a Ronin "Blood Bond" with him and let the Necro enter a "Watch Tower". After this let 4 ronin enter the Necromancer's Thrown. Have the Ronin who "Blood Bonded" with the Necro to die. When the Ronin dies, the 4 Ronin inside the Necromancer's Thrown will become a Necromancer.